Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Salsa Criolla

Developed September, 2014. Criolla is Spanish for a South American woman of European ancestry. This dish is broadly popular in Peru as a savory side for many dishes. This version is our interpretation of the dish as experienced in a local Peruvian restaurant, Mî Peru.
200 g (1 medium) red onion, thinly sliced through the poles
40 ml lime juice
20 ml red wine vinegar
10 g cilantro, finely chopped
5 g salt
Soak the sliced onions for 10 minutes in cold, salted water. Drain thoroughly, and add to a bowl. Add the other ingredients and mix thoroughly. Chill before serving. Pairs well with any rich dish such as risotto, roast beef, pork, or chicken.

Monday, September 8, 2014


Recorded Sept, 2014. Thin slices of crusty bread are brought to new purpose with heat, olive oil, and garlic.
100 g of baguette or similar loaf, cut into 1 cm crosswise slices.
20 ml olive oil, divided
2 ml granulated garlic
2 ml salt
Heat half the oil in a heavy 25 cm skillet over medium-high until it shimmers. Using tongs, dip each slice into oil on both sides and arrange in skillet. Sprinkle salt and garlic on top. When toasting progresses, flip each piece, adding more oil and seasoning. Continue grilling and turning until well colored on both sides. Serves two. Use in spicy stews, soups, dinner salads, vegetable compotes, or as a place to spread tomato salsas, hummus, olive salad, or to top soups or dinner salads.