Thursday, April 23, 2015

Banana in Raspberry Sauce and Cream

Breakfast ready!
Prepared April 22, 2015. Delicious, nourishing, and quick.
1 ripe banana, halved lengthwise and sliced on the bias
2 T (30 ml) cold raspberry sauce
2 T (30 ml) light cream
Place the sliced banana into an 8 oz bowl. Spoon the sauce over the fruit and pour on the cream. Serves one.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Smashed Red Potatoes with Crispy Parsley

Developed April, 2015 as a side dish for kielbasa in mustard sauce. Choose potatoes about the same size.
8 oz small red potatoes
1 T salt
1 T butter
2 T finely minced parsley
1 T finely minced chives or green onions
salt and pepper to taste
Cover potatoes with water in a small saucepan, add the salt, and bring to a gentle boil. Cover, reduce heat, and cook gently until easily pierced by a knife point, about 10 to 12 minutes. Drain well and set aside. Heat the butter in the dry saucepan until it sizzles and begins to brown. Add the parsley and sauté until crisp. Add back the potatoes, add the chives and toss to coat. Off heat, crush lightly with a potato masher. Add salt, pepper, and extra butter to taste. Serves two.